
Let's Speak the Truth About Being Healthy!



Breakfast Is More Than a Meal!

Aug 04, 2019

(If you prefer to listen to this blog as a podcast, go to Podcast Episode #147: CLICK HERE and SUBSCRIBE to the Earn That Body Podcast!

Yes, Yes, Yes to breakfast! I know you have heard it before but I do 100% believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And for all of you “intermittent fasters” guess what…the period you finish your last meal at night until your first meal in the morning is fasting. And in my opinion that is the only fast your body needs. It’s why breakfast is called breakfast; it means BREAK the FAST.

Now, why is breakfast so important? First of all, as I just said, you have not eaten for hours and hours and your body needs fuel when it wakes up. You need to start viewing healthy...

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How to Conquer Sugar Addiction! 5 Steps!

Jul 29, 2019

I think people are being conned into thinking sugar is the devil.  Sugar is really not the problem; the quantity of sugar is the true issue. We live in a time when weight loss, fad diets and supplements have become a billion-dollar industry! And therefore, programs are trying to convince you that you need THEIR diet, THEIR food, THEIR extreme way of eating in order to control your weight and your health. But this is causing people to eat artificial foods/sweeteners, tons of supplements that are not even properly regulated by the FDA (check out podcast episode #86 or CLICK HERE for more details about why you should be very cautious about supplements) and pushing people into such states of deprivation that they all binge on that sugar...

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Vanity Over Health?

Apr 25, 2019

If you prefer to listen to this blog as a podcast: CLICK HERE!

Let me guess…. you think I don’t understand what it is like to want to lose weight. You think I looked fit my whole life, and that I simply don’t know what it feels like to want the weight off now. Well, it’s not true. That being said, I have never been obese and I’m sure at my heaviest I would only be seen as “slightly” chubby, if that. But that does not mean I didn’t want to look better and feel amazing like all the skinny girls. And honestly, if you want to hear a true story about me and Emotional Eating in my bluest days, do listen to the Earn That Body Podcast Episode #124 (CLICK HERE!)

In those days when I craved be...

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If Your Diet Is Working, You Will See These Things!

Apr 25, 2019

People think the only way to know if a “diet” is working is by the number on the scale. But there are in fact some things that are just as important.  It is definitely my job to help people lose weight, but it’s not actually my #1 focus. I want to get people in the best HEALTH of their life. In that process, they generally lose weight. But these 11 things are even more important to me and should be important to you.

(This blog is also a podcast. CLICK HERE to listen).

If you are trying to change your health and lose weight, ask yourself if the following 11 Non-Scale-Victories are happening to you:

  1. SLEEP:  Usually within a couple weeks of my Earn That Body (ETB) Online Program, my clients...
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Tips to NOT Gain Weight Over the Holidays!

Apr 25, 2019

If you are trying to watch your waistline, then I know how difficult and sometimes stressful a holiday dinner and gathering can be for you! You want to watch your intake, but you also don’t want to be rude to the host/hostess of the party, don’t want to be the Debbie Downer of the group and you certainly don’t want everyone to roll their eyes when you say you are watching your diet. But, at the end of the day, you need to make the best choices for you! Here are some simple way to enjoy your celebration without gaining 5 pounds!

1. Don’t starve all day for a dinner celebration at night. This leads to starvation and you will eat anything at that point.
2. HYDRATE all day!
3. Get in a WORKOUT. Preferably a cardio...

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Blood Work Fiasco!

Apr 25, 2019

This BLOG is also done as a podcast episode! CLICK HERE to listen!

The last few years I was getting my blood work done at my yearly OB/GYN appointment.  But they never had me fast before it, so I knew it was not 100% accurate.  My cholesterol always showed a bit high for LDL, but that is genetic for me.  My OB/GYN said I did not need to be concerned.

I’m turning 45 in August and decided it was probably time for a full physical through my general practitioner.  This meant I could have a real blood panel checked and to get my doctor’s approval before I start training for another Ironman.  I really was not worried at all, just trying to be responsible for my health.

Well, I was a little...

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Helping Your Child Find Their Sport!

Apr 25, 2019

Prefer to listen on Podcast? This blog is also on the podcast at CLICK HERE!


People ask me all the time, “How did you get Charley to be a runner? Did he always love it?” It’s a great question! You would think I would answer, “he has just loved running since he was walking! He always wanted to do it.” Not true. It did not happen like that.

As a parent, I made it my mission to expose Charley (my now 14-year-old son) to as many sports as possible when he was young. I signed him up for soccer when he was a toddler (and all he did was play with blades of grass as the ball went by). Then, came T-Ball. When we moved to Texas we got involved with baseball. It was his sport for a couple years until HE...

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The 5 Lessons of Injury.

Apr 25, 2019

(Prefer listening to this blog on Podcast? CLICK HERE!)

Breaking my foot 3 weeks before the London Marathon was not on my calendar of Things-To-Do! My doctors approved me to run the race as long as I was cautious and let pain be my guide.  I was lucky to be able to walk/run the entire race and experience that incredible marathon. However, I did come home to a more severe break in my 3rd metatarsal. That being said, the doctor said it was not displaced and would heal in 6 weeks IF I stayed in a boot and did not run. I totally understood the guidelines and wanted to heal 100%! So, I was NOT going to stray from my doctor’s orders.

But 6 weeks in a boot is pretty tough on a gal who loves to work out! But it did...

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Irrational Body Expectations!

Apr 25, 2019

As I get older, I have learned to love my body. I try to accept the things about it that I once hated! Yes, I also hated many parts of my body.  My whole life I grew up thinking my booty was too big, and I had too much cellulite.  I could never find a pair of jeans to fit me because my waistline is super small, but my booty and thighs are not! I literally went through high school covering my back side at all times! And yet, I look back and can’t believe how small that booty truly was!

Today, as I coach hundreds of clients to help them lose weight and/or get in the best shape of their lives, I realize that what is troubling most people is BODY EXPECTATIONS! Instead of focusing on the healthy body that we are blessed with,...

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10 Questions to Health?

Apr 25, 2019

I studied Chinese Medicine for 4 years (Masters in Science/ Eastern Medicine) and can apply almost everything I learned to all aspects of health!  There is something we used in diagnosing all patients called the 10 Questions.   I still use it today for my weight loss clients to see where they are at in terms of overall health.  As I review each question below, answer on your own to see if you have any imbalances!

  1. Sleep: How is your sleep? Do you get 8 hours/night?  Did you know if you are not getting at least 8 hours of sleep/night you are likely hindering weight loss?  You secrete hormones at night while sleeping that are necessary to lose weight.
  2. Sweat: Do you have any unusual...
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