Let's Speak the Truth About Being Healthy!
If you are trying to watch your waistline, then I know how difficult and sometimes stressful a holiday dinner and gathering can be for you. You want to watch your intake, but you also don’t want to be rude to the host/hostess of the party, don’t want to be the Debbie Downer of the group and you certainly don’t want everyone to roll their eyes when you say you are watching your diet. But, at the end of the day, you need to make the best choices for you. Here are some simple way to enjoy your celebration without gaining 5 pounds:
1. Don’t starve all day for a dinner celebration at night. This leads to starvation and you will eat anything at that point.
2. HYDRATE all day!
3. Get in a WORKOUT. Preferably a cardio...
This Blog Post is also done as a Podcast. Check out the Earn That Body Podcast on any podcast player (iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc.) and search for #284 or CLICK HERE!
A lot of people ask me how I stay fit & healthy without the yo-yo weight. I know what they mean…why don’t I gain weight and then drop it and then gain it and then drop it; like so many people? What is my trick to just living a healthy life?
Well, you should know it did not happen overnight. I did do the diet train for many years when I was in graduate school. I thought the only way to lose weight was the drastic, fad diets. I jumped on all of them too. And then shortly after I would do those diets, I would gain all the weight back...
I don't know about you, but Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday of the year. I love this time of year, and I love this traditional family meal & gathering.
But let me tell you what I don't love about this holiday. I don't love thinking about what to wear to dinner because I don't want to be uncomfortable after I eat. I don't love feeling so full after dinner that I'm actually in a little bit of pain. I don't love feeling gassy after I eat this huge meal. And last but not least, I don't love being up 5+ pounds on the scale the next day.
Now thankfully...I don't really encounter these issues anymore. But when I grew up, I experienced all of them. Then, I finally got to a point where I realized that being UNCOMFORTABLE was...
Boo! October is my favorite holiday month! I have always been a fan of Halloween! When I was younger, I used to set up a spooky front door with the scary music, fake person sitting on a chair...anything to scare the neighbors!
I honestly think it's important to celebrate all holidays because it makes life more exciting! But celebrating a holiday does not equal EATING ALL THE CANDY or EATING ALL THE FOOD!
Halloween is about having some fun. Dressing up, being social and just SMILING a whole lot. Of course, the holiday has become all about the CANDY. But let me tell you now, THIS IS NOT THE YEAR to eat too much candy.
If you are feeling the affects of the COVID 10, 15, 20 or maybe MORE pounds...let's take back some...
Authentic = true to one's own personality, spirit, or character.
I feel that being authentic is important for our health. Anything other than authentic is simply not being who we truly are. And if we are not, then we are not BEING. I'm not saying it's always easy, but I do think it's something to strive for.
Being AUTHENTIC in my industry (health, fitness, nutrition) is pretty tough to do when everyone pretends they are PERFECT in all they do. I see many trainers (really famous ones) only post their most doctored up photos. I often find out that nutrition coaches who claim they eat the way they preach is NOT really happening, and in fact they starve themselves before all photo shoots to look"perfect". I have even heard about...
You want to enjoy your vacation and yet you don't want to come home with an extra 10 pounds on your body! I get it 100%. I think there are simple things that you can do for nutrition and exercise to make sure you can attain both of those goals!
If you missed my blog last year about "Healthy Travel Tips to Avoid Weight Gain", CLICK HERE! That one includes a lot of the nutritional choices I make when travelling!
But this blog is about the other part...the EXERCISE! I try to put into play these 5 things on all vacations to help me keep my waistline in check!
1. Workout: I do workout almost daily when I'm on vacation. I think it's a great way to start the day and I always feel better when I get that done. Also, working out makes...
If you prefer to listen to this blog as a podcast, CLICK HERE! or on iTunes CLICK HERE!
I work with hundreds of clients each year and many travel for work or take lots of vacations. There is nothing more difficult than being on the road, in hotels and constantly off a schedule when you are trying to lose weight or simply stay healthy. However, if this is part of your life and you don’t plan on changing your career or leisure time anytime soon, then it is essential to figure out a way to make it work. At the end of the day, you want to be healthy & feel good! So, here are some tips to help you on those work trips & vacations, so that you can stay fit & healthy.
Plan for the Airport/Road...
Do you prefer to listen to this as a podcast? CLICK HERE for this episode!
Have you always wanted that perfect 6 pack? Flat abs? Sculpted core? And perhaps you have bought every 6 Pack Chiseling DVD on the market and yet still your abs look exactly the same? If that is you or you are simply looking for the key tips to get that 6-pack started, then these tips are for you.
If anyone tells you a workout DVD, exercise program or even a 30 day 6 pack challenge is what is going to help you achieve the perfect abs…. run the other way. Because exercise is simply not enough to achieve these results. There are 2 components to the 6 pack: diet & workouts. Workouts alone just can’t do it. Why? Because the workouts might build you a...
(If you prefer to listen to this blog as a podcast, go to Podcast Episode #147: CLICK HERE and SUBSCRIBE to the Earn That Body Podcast!
Yes, Yes, Yes to breakfast! I know you have heard it before but I do 100% believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And for all of you “intermittent fasters” guess what…the period you finish your last meal at night until your first meal in the morning is fasting. And in my opinion that is the only fast your body needs. It’s why breakfast is called breakfast; it means BREAK the FAST.
Now, why is breakfast so important? First of all, as I just said, you have not eaten for hours and hours and your body needs fuel when it wakes up. You need to start viewing healthy...
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