How to Travel LIGHT (on the scale!)

Apr 25, 2019

Spring break is around the corner and then it will be summer season! Perhaps you have road trips planned or vacations around the world? Well, no matter where you are headed here are some tips to keep your waistline in check so you don’t come home 5 pounds heavier and feeling unhealthy!


Before the trip begins, you need to PREPARE for the PRE-TRIP! Is this a road trip or are you getting on a plane? Either way, I want you to prep your travel day meal and snacks!

  • Travel Day Meal(s): Make some sandwiches! These are generally the easiest thing to pack. If you are getting on an airplane and might not have access to a cooler, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is generally my GO-TO travel meal. If you are on the road trip, pack a cooler! Turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread are great for you and the whole family.
  • Snacks: I want you to pack as many healthy snacks that you can carry! Again, much easier on the road trip! But even if you are getting on a plane, you can fill a bag full of healthy options. My Eagle Snack Bag includes: walnuts, cashews, almonds, protein bars, granola bars, Emergen-C, apples and bananas. I pack enough snacks for travel day AND for the trip! There is nothing worse than being starving in a hotel room. Have something easy to grab & ready to go! (If you have cooler, packing hard boiled eggs and mini yogurts is also a great option!)
  • WATER-WATER-WATER: Staying hydrated from the moment the trip begins is KEY! When I go to an airport I put an Emergen-C Pack Inside a LARGE bottle of water. Emergen-C has a lot of Vitamin C and electrolytes. It gives the water a little flavor and that keeps me drinking it for an entire flight! Whether in that car or plane, I want you drinking WATER-WATER-WATER!
  • NO! NO! NO! There are some things you need to say NO to at the airport or on the road! Say NO to all fast food and junk food stops! When I get to an airport, I have a hard rule: WATER and MAGAZINES are the only things I will buy in the stores.  There is NO healthy food in the airport. Just don’t go there! Same holds true with the stops you make for a road trip! Don’t go to fast food restaurants or buy food in the gas station stops! NOTHING healthy is going on there and hopefully you packed all you need! So, make it a hard rule and keep on going!

If you can follow these tips above, you will not show up for Day 1 of your awesome vacation completely BLOATED! And you might be putting on a bathing suit! So, don’t you want to feel and look great on day 1? If the answer is YES, follow those tips on the PRE-TRIP and you will set yourself up for success!


Once you get to your destination, here are some more tips to help you stay on track!

  • Work Out: If you can work out during your trip, you will be less likely to gain those vacation pounds. Let’s face it, you are going to take in more calories than usual when out of town and eating out for 3 meals/day! If you can burn some of those calories at the gym it will certainly help you come home feeling better.  I highly recommend you make that workout happen first thing in the morning.  Why? You are more likely to eat healthy the rest of the day if you work out in the morning AND if you say you will work out in the afternoon, you are more likely to SKIP it later. Just get it done first thing in the morning (even if it’s only 30-45 minutes).
  • Stay Active: Whether you hit the gym or not, try to be ACTIVE on this trip! Walking, hiking, swimming, surfing, paddle boarding! Look for active activities for you and the family! Another great way to have FUN while burning those calories.
  • Eating Out: You are going to be eating at restaurants 3x/day! This is the time to make the best choices possible so you don’t gain weight on this trip. When I go out to restaurants I avoid the following foods:
  1. Cream Sauces: if you see CREAM on the menu, move on to the next choice
  2. Pasta: this is not the time to eat too many carbs. Choose the fish or the chicken (or steak in moderation).
  3. Salad Dressing: avoid the Caesar, ranch, thousand island and bleu cheese dressing! Opt for the balsamic vinaigrette.
  4. Try to avoid bread and chips at the table (ask the waiter not to bring it)
  5. Avoid the desserts! Maybe just have a bite of one shared dessert?

Now all this being said, it is your vacation and you do deserve to have some fun! What if you choose 1-2x you splurge with a favorite meal or dessert instead of every night?

  • Cocktails: this is the vacation killer for your waistline! I recommend you do NOT drink during the day. Save the cocktail for the evening.  And did you notice I said “COCKTAIL” not “COCKTAILS”.  Can you savor and enjoy one glass of wine? Does it have to be 2-3 glasses? It will make a big difference because once you have more than one drink your inhibitions will change and all of a sudden you won’t care about your weight or feeling fabulous! Often a few drinks will lead to some bad eating choices, a hangover and then more bad eating the next morning! Keep the cocktails in check if you want to come home fitting into those skinny jeans.

If you really don’t want to come home with weight gain and if you want to feel GREAT during your trip, follow the tips above! They will make a huge difference. And most importantly, go enjoy your vacation! If you do come home and feel like you need to get your nutrition on track, check out my Eat By Example 1 Week Meal Plan!

This blog is also recorded as a Podcast with more details! Check out that episode at: CLICK HERE!


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