A fitness program designed to take HER body to the next level!

I realized it was time to develop this workout program when I saw how many women were killing themselves in the gym and never getting results!
I generally see this happening to people who don't have a structured workout program that includes cross training (cardio, strength, yoga, mobility) with intensity and yet also incorporates active and full recovery.
I have now created a full workout program to benefit the WOMAN'S body! It is designed specifically for women because as we age, our hormones change the game in our muscle development. So, working out with a structured PLAN will benefit HER body, HER muscle tone, HER recovery and HER results.
And I'm going to strengthen HER willpowHER in this journey!

You Had Me At WillpowHER!

The Program
The WillpowHER Workout Program is structured with a specific daily workout format to increase cardiovascular endurance, full body strength, mobility, flexibility and overall fitness level. It is designed as a 21 Day Program which will increase workout duration & intensity as the session progresses. Within this period, you will have active recovery and full recovery days integrated into each week to maximize the body's ability to put on muscle and gain overall fitness, while not creating cortisol (stress) hormone spikes, potential for adrenal fatigue and injury.
Once you complete the 21 days, you have the ability to repeat the format or simply use all 16 Videos + 3 Audio Workouts as "grab & go" videos whenever needed.
What You Get!

Workout Videos
- Strength, Cardio, Yoga, Mobility & Core Workouts! Details below.
Audio Workouts
- Running workouts guided by Kim Eagle via audio (MP3). A great way to check in with run form, push your limits & not give up! These workouts can be done as a power walk as well.
Workout Calendar
- A calendar including all the WillpowHER workouts which includes a gradual build in duration & intensity through the 21 day program. **
Endurance Run (or Walk) PDF
- A guide to help you work on a lower heart rate endurance run, run/walk or power walk.
Workout Tracker
- PDF Tracker that allows you to input your daily workouts to help keep you on track! Also enables you to swap in other favorite workouts that are not included in the program.**
Daily Emails
- You will get a DAILY EMAIL to tell you about the workout for the day and to inspire you to WORK HARD!
Weekly Education
- Start learning more about how a woman's hormones impact her body as she gets older. And from this what we can do to our workouts to make sure we are working WITH and not AGAINST our body.
Private Platform
- Entire program can be accessed on a private platform via a computer, tablet or phone. All you need is internet access.
**This program can be done with the Workout Calendar OR you can swap in your own favorite workouts that are not included in the program. Best results are seen when you use the WillpowHER workouts.
This program is NOT recommended if you are pregnant or have any injuries.
All videos include a warm up & cool down/stretch!
What You Need?
Free Weights
Heavy, Medium & Light Set Recommended
Exercise/Yoga Mat (Optional)
Yoga Blocks (Optional)
WillpowHER (NOT Optional)

Start Today!
Just in time to get your SUMMER BODY ready!
Is This Program For Beginners? or Advanced Clients?
Can I Swap In My Own Workouts?
Can I Do This Program If I Am Pregnant?
Can I Do This Program If I have Injuries?
Can I Just Use Your Videos & Not Follow The Calendar?
I'm An Athlete! Can I Use This Program?
WillpowHER Program
- Cardio, Strength, Yoga, Mobility, Core Videos
- Audio Run (or Walk) Workouts
- Daily Emails
- Weekly Education
- 21 Day Workout Calendar & Tracker
- 1 Year Access to Program & Videos
Get Access Today!
I made this program just for you!
Let's get you in the best shape of your life!